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About Us

Growing Faith in a Changing World

Who are we?

We are a caring, diverse, inclusive and exciting community striving to demonstrate our faith and values both by what we say and what we do.

We believe that God is all-embracing and so we are an “Open and Affirming” fellowship that welcomes all, regardless of age, race, ethnic background, sexual orientation or physical / mental / emotional challenges. Therefore, we also strive to use language that is inclusive and gender sensitive to respect each individual in our midst. We are also a “Just Peace” and an “Earthwise” congregation.

We encourage an atmosphere that is theologically progressive, seeking to live out lives that embody a Growing Faith in a Changing World. Thus, we are a non-creedal congregation that welcomes those who wish to become members into covenantal relationship.

In actively practicing our faith, we use our resources and talents to aid and assist those in need, both in our local community and, through the UCC and other organizations, in the broader world around us.

We strive to follow Micah’s wisdom:

How we got here

In 1979 a creative, inclusive and progressive group of church folk looking for a compatible denomination contacted the United Church of Christ (UCC) to ask about becoming a “new church start.” It happened that the person they needed to talk with was, in fact, in Newark, DE exploring the possibility of starting a new UCC there. Thus began our journey into the fold of the UCC.

Because our sense of caring mission was so much a part of our identity, we chose to free up as much of our resources for ministry as possible by not occupying a building of our own. So, for several years, we shared space at times with the Unitarian Universalists, Calvary Baptist Church and the Masons. Eventually we realized there was real value in having a permanent home of our own. Thus, in 1994, we initiated a financial campaign to secure funding to achieve this goal.

In 1997 we acquired the former Newark Senior Center on East Main Street. We set about modifying it to suit our needs as a gathered people of faith and as a resource for other community groups. With modifications and upgrades, it remains our physical home to this day.

Pastor Cynthia E. Robinson

Cynthia graduated magna cum laude with a degree in psychology from Westfield State College in Massachusetts in 1987. Her Masters in Divinity degree was conferred in 1991 by Andover Newton Theological School.

Prior to coming to the New Ark United Church of Christ, Rev. Robinson served as both an Associate Pastor and an Interim Pastor, as well as being an active congregant and supply preacher during the years she devoted to raising her two children.

Cynthia’s interests include theology, spirituality, women’s issues, peace and justice, retreats and mission trips.

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Our Identities

The New Ark United Church of Christ seeks to be a diverse, faithful community in which a person finds support and nurture for spiritual, emotional, and intellectual growth. As an Open and Affirming congregation, people of all sexual orientations are welcome in our life and ministry.

Membership in the New Ark UCC

We invite all, members, friends and visitors, to join us in our ministry in whatever church relationship you perceive to be appropriate in your current faith journey. We especially invite you to consider the more formal relationships of Member or Friend of the New Ark.